Canada Club Eh?
by Denise Panunte 239-400-0485
Welcome back.
This is our Club’s 8th season at Cross Creek. Since our events are still well received, your committee decided to continue with the same types for 2020. We are open to new ideas and new committee members are always welcomed.
Our 2 Happy Hours will be held on Jan. 13 and Feb. 11 at 2:00 p.m. in the Lake Room at the clubhouse as we look forward to seeing our friends again…..always adding a few more. Speakers for Jan. 13 to be confirmed.
In 2016 we added Bocce to our outings and so we continue to play at 1:00 on Tuesdays with the Fairway Woods players. We play from 1:00p.m. to 2:00 p.m then go into the clubhouse to mix and mingle. We certainly have spots for more players. Fun is had by all especially the social hours afterwards. You do not need to be experienced players as this is very relaxed and casual.
Our annual Golf Tournament with dinner will be held on March 9. Start looking for your red and white to wear and maybe ways to decorate your carts.
More details will be posted and emailed to all members of our Club for each event.
The Club is open to all Canadians at Cross Creek and their friends. Please continue to make others aware that we do exist. Anyone wanting to be on our email list should send their contact information name(s), telephone and email address to me at
Looking forward to another great year.